Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ive got some oceanfront property in Arizona

If youre reading this, I guess you werent raptured on Saturday. Growing up in a Christian household Ive heard about the rapture for years. Last time I checked, if you believe in the rapture then you must believe in the Bible and in the Bible it says,
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father"   Mathew 24:36  
Notice how it says NO ONE. Its pretty sad that people gave away their life savings and maxed out credit cards, etc to follow what Harold Camping says. This same man today is claiming that his math was off (again, for the third time) and that the rapture will happen on Oct 21st.... Huh. If you buy that Ill throw the Golden Gate in free.

Daniel got a wicked black eye playing flag football. I thought he might have been lying (if you know Daniel this was a very real possibility). I tell Daniel the only way I let him play flag football is if he doesnt get hurt. I know there is no guarantee that will happen but Daniel is a bit competitive and goes balls out. When I asked him why he feels the need to take this SO seriously this is what he said, "Babe, I only have one speed and thats lightning."

 On Saturday we had a get together at my moms house with my Uncle Doug for everybody's birthdays/Mother's day. We had lasagna and played spoons.

Yes, that cake says "Happy Birthday Larry, Doug, Leah, Tabitha. Happy Mom's day and the Rapture"

Thursday, May 19, 2011


My brother has never seen Delaney in person. He moved to California last August and never had an opportunity to come back. My siblings and I have never really been separated for that long before. Grant lived in Colorado with my mother and Leah and myself with our father in Montana for awhile when we were little. I dont really count that as when you are little you consider your siblings to be an annoyance rather than your best friends.
Old School Braaten Pic
Grant and Tabitha (his wife) tried to surprise us all by coming back into town this week but my mother is THE WORST secret keeper known to man. 

Lily helping Tabitha make bows

Im really proud of them for moving away as much as I hate to admit it. Its hard not to be just a short drive away. 

Delaney has also never met her Great Uncle (which I still would call Grand Uncle but thats another story for another day). We met up with Daniels family at Corner Cafe.
Great Uncle Mark

Pretty big day

Monday, May 16, 2011

70 and Sunny

It has become few and far between that Daniel and I have a day off together where we don't have something to already do. Usually one of us is gone working, we have friends over, a family thing to go to, etc. Daniel took a personal day today and we wanted to take full advantage of it. It is literally perfect outside. The only way it could be nicer is if Bambi and some bunnies were running around along with us. After much debate (Daniel wanted to go golfing, rare) we decided to go on a walk to Zona to eat lunch and then to the park.
Heading to Noodles & Company

Mach's a thirsty boy

A little chilly in the shade for D Bird

MMM Penne Rosa
After eating we headed over to the park. Obviously, Delaney is much too small to do anything much more than a swing. Note to self, if you bring a dog to a park where there is small children he will be smothered, you will be bombarded with a slew of questions, and mothers will come running to snatch their child away (as if I was stupid enough to bring a mean dog to the park). 
I think Daniel was a little too big for the slide

First time in the swing

I think she likes it
We grabbed some ice cream on the way home and thats when Delaney decided she had enough of the stroller. Mach looked a little tired so we put him in the stroller. Im sure the people driving by thought we were idiots.
Stopping at Sonic

Before the meltdown

I thought he would jump right out but he loved it

Worn out
Today was a good day.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The things I said I'd never do

I decided to start this blog so that I could have a way to mark important events in my life but mostly my daughters life.  "They grow up so fast" is the cliche thing that I thought I would never say but turns out is very true. Right now, Delaney is sitting on the floor next to me playing. Sitting on her own is something she just learned to do this last week.  
Delaney sitting for the first time
It is unbelievable to me, how in just short of six months my entire life has been turned upside down. In everything I do, Delaney is always in the back of my mind.  Which is why I named my blog "The things I said I'd never do" simply because this is the motto of my life right now. I could make an entire list of things I use to say "I'd never do/say". There have been a couple of things that I have stayed consistent on but with most I have done an about face. 
How could you leave this face?
For example, I said "Ill never be a stay at home mom" but here I am wishing I was and Im only working three days a week. 

I distinctly remember going to a Mother's Day lunch at my church when I was a senior in high school and the speaker telling the story about how she wasn't really a "baby person" until she had her own and the minute she laid eyes on her son it was over. My mother told me that would be me and she would bet on it. Of course, I rolled my eyes and probably said something sarcastic.... 

Too bad she was right. I am now the exact person I said I'd never be and that's OK.