Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ive got some oceanfront property in Arizona

If youre reading this, I guess you werent raptured on Saturday. Growing up in a Christian household Ive heard about the rapture for years. Last time I checked, if you believe in the rapture then you must believe in the Bible and in the Bible it says,
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father"   Mathew 24:36  
Notice how it says NO ONE. Its pretty sad that people gave away their life savings and maxed out credit cards, etc to follow what Harold Camping says. This same man today is claiming that his math was off (again, for the third time) and that the rapture will happen on Oct 21st.... Huh. If you buy that Ill throw the Golden Gate in free.

Daniel got a wicked black eye playing flag football. I thought he might have been lying (if you know Daniel this was a very real possibility). I tell Daniel the only way I let him play flag football is if he doesnt get hurt. I know there is no guarantee that will happen but Daniel is a bit competitive and goes balls out. When I asked him why he feels the need to take this SO seriously this is what he said, "Babe, I only have one speed and thats lightning."

 On Saturday we had a get together at my moms house with my Uncle Doug for everybody's birthdays/Mother's day. We had lasagna and played spoons.

Yes, that cake says "Happy Birthday Larry, Doug, Leah, Tabitha. Happy Mom's day and the Rapture"

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